Diary: My Water Challenge 2015 {Advertisement}

My Water Challenge Tag5/GourmetGuerilla.com

Friday | Day 3 + 4 + 5
Huch! Where are days 3 and 4 sucked? It was a lot going on again - that's why today is the fast run of the last three days. After the bad pea soup Tuesday came quite a decent Wednesday. The coffee in the morning was not so important anymore and I could lightly start the day. Although - so light-footed then but not, because I've taken a politically-correct water Challenge salad in the company. Even plastic cans can weigh quite a bit amazingly. But it was worth it. Instead of spending indecent money on a rather frugal, cold and loveless buying salad, I opened my bowl for lunch and delicious food cooked to my liking: green salad, cucumber, tomato, a little onion and as a clove spicy flavored yellow curry lentils , The whole with a little Ceasar's dressing turned on. Incidentally, it is very beneficial for the 2-second food shoot if you have black desk pads (so far I did not quite understand the things).

 Lunch salad to go to/GourmetGuerilla.com

If you're thinking about having delicious food to take to work from time to time: A delicious recipe for a quick and delicious Spicy Cauliflower Tomato Soup to go can be found on the Project Water Week Microsite. In addition, I hold a plea for a nice lunch beyond the plastic fork and polystyrene box and give 8 tips on how professionals can escape the eternal unification between the canteen and order pizza. There's certainly something for you too.

Otherwise, that works pretty well with the water. The bottle is always within reach of my desk dream team. So I do not forget to take a few sips every now and then.

Dreamteam on the desk lamp | GourmetGuerilla.com

Just in the morning you need something warm. At home there is a cup of tea with my mild favorite morning mix chamomile-vanilla. In the company I make a jug of ginger tea - I imagine that makes me a bit of fire under the bum. And somehow I like it quite well, that you can taste more of the things that you eat without the bitter charge of coffee. This morning, for example, this was Veggy braid with cream cheese, red pesto, cucumber, tomato and rocket. Do not worry - such a show breakfast with me is not every day. But this morning, the man and I took half an hour and had breakfast outside in the sun. These are the moments of which I would like to have much more. Have a drink.

Well into the weekend and see you tomorrow!

Veggy braid with cream cheese, red Pesto, Cucumber, Tomato and Rocket GourmetGuerilla.com

Mööööp. There are days when you already know when you wake up that it will not be all right. Ideally, the 2nd day of my water challenge was just that. Eyes open - brain feels like thick pea soup - eyes closed - stay in bed for as long as possible. I hear the child brushing his teeth in the bathroom and rattling cabinet doors. I am not there. Pea soup in the head. The man laps around the corner and asks quietly if I'm sick. "Nooooo ..." I mumble. "But everything is fine." He withdraws discreetly. Thank God he does not ask if he should make me a coffee.

Coffee.I realize very clearly that the only thing that could help me now is coffee. Coffee should make the pea soup brain legs and make the sun rise in my head. Maybe I can spend the coffee as a medical emergency? Just a small, tiny cup of tea ... The headache does not improve from all the considerations. I roll out of bed and heroically decide to meet the day. With water. Since I am extremely ill-tempered, refrain from MakeUp. Let the world take me as I am. The missing coffee is to blame if I'm unsightly. Pöh.

On the way to work, I buy a bowl of strawberries and put it in the ice cream parlor first. Eiserdbeeren. Good against pea soup head. In the kitchen, a colleague once again grumbles around at the intensive care coffee machine: refill water, add beans, empty the drip tray. I'm out of the game today. On the way back to the desk, I catch myself inhaling the coffee vapor from my colleague's cup. Unfortunately, the colleague also caught me. Smelling coffee is not forbidden, is it?!

Water Challenge Ice Strawberries against pea soup head | GourmetGuerillamorning rushes by and at some point I feel that I have arrived halfway among the living. The ice strawberries have really worked quite well. Water and a pot of herbal tea are at my side during work and that's no problem at all. The sun is shining and I slowly reconcile with the world. Quickly retouching a presentation, posting two, five, seven jobs, correcting the script for a speech, writing over eighteen emails ... bloody ... closing time!

Tomorrow will be a better day. I'm sure. Now for the first time on the couch and with open balcony door an iced soda water with cucumber and basil enjoy. Frollein is now drinking cocktails with water and herbs.

See you tomorrow!

MONDAY | Day 1
Yeah! Today's looooos! The "Project Water Week" by Gerolsteiner starts and I am there: Drink only mineral water for a week and refrain from soft drinks, juice, coffee, black tea & Co. and treat the body to a break. I am very curious and I am a little bit queasy.

Last night, I looked deeply into the eye with Clara and started with a huge glass of white wine spritzer. The last for a week. After a long day at the workshop, that was just the right refreshment. We both had to laugh a little when we finally looked staring and with drooping lower lips to the empty glasses. But hey - caught, hung around!

The launch this morning without coffee was definitely a lot easier than expected. Although of course I did the usual morning routine first: Strike first in the kitchen, fill the kettle and put it on the stove, coffee powder in the cup and under the shower. When I come out of the bathroom, pour boiling water into the cup ... "HAAALT ... Brain to Mel - is that COFFEE in the cup?" Ah, ok. That's right. Um. So the coffee powder back into the can and quickly hang a herbal tea bag in the cup. Herbal tea is ok. Catching the first rays of sunshine on the balcony with a cup of tea is not so bad either. I had clearly presented that to me more difficult. Let's see what the day brings - I'll keep you up to date with my little diary.

Water Challenge Day 1: Tea instead of coffee GourmetGuerilla.de

By the way, the campaign involves more than 3,000 people. Are you there too?You can find me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

See you later!