{Poor Germany} Men. Boats. Mobile phones. And the truth about refugees.

{Poor Germany} Men. Boats. Mobile phones. And the truth about refugees.

{Poor Germany} Men. Boats. Mobile phones. And the truth about refugees.

{Poor Germany} Men. Boats. Mobile phones. And the truth about refugees.

{Poor Germany} Men. Boats. Mobile phones. And the truth about refugees.

H I would like to warmly recommend a little film that deals with the most urgent and threatening questions about refugees in Germany. For all those who are afraid of compulsory expropriation of their home ownership and foreign fingerprints on their vehicles. Or fear that the population of Germany and Europe will very soon consist of 90% refugees. And anyway denounce that these cowardly dogs leaving their families in war zones have their own cell phone. Here are some illuminating facts. May it help.

Credit: Shutterstock's picture, photographer Procyk Radek